Spring has been a whirlwind but I wanted to take a minute to send a huge THANKS to What’s Up? Weddings magazine and Baltimore Bride magazine for featuring Dunks Photo!
Fall 2011’s What’s Up? Weddings magazine featured Josh&Laura’s 9.11.2010, Easton wedding:
The Spring/Summer 2012 issue of What’s Up Weddings had a lot more Dunks Photo faces. Casey and Charles’ 9.3.2011 wedding at Maria’s Bed and Breakfast was featured, as well as some great shots of Lauren&Joe; Katie&Keith, as well as some party favors from a couple other weddings! I LOVE seeing these photos in print and I know my B&G’s do too!
Finally, Baltimore Bride continues to feature current weddings on their Facebook page, but I was also happy to see Casey&Shawn’s, Brittland Estates-Stepne Manor wedding as their Wedding of the Month, this spring!
Their featured wedding can be found HERE:
and thank you, thank you to my beautiful Brides and handsome Grooms, for being awesome subjects (and being print-worthy!) 🙂 -Dunks